Hello sweeties! Today I wanted to review the other pair of my circle lenses i brought from Klenspop last year (ノ。≧◇≦)ノ It's been a while since my last review (again ) (^^") I've done so many thing and i was quite busy with my homework and working on some new cosplays!! And now the review i hope you enjoy it \( *^* )/ BUNNY 3 COLOR CHERIE BLUE Diameter 14.8 mm Water content 38% Base curve 8.6 1 year disposable Manufactered by lenspop origin korea photo from their shop I dont have a pic of the parcel I received but it was in a little box, i liked it more than the parcel from pinkyparadise tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I ordered one pair of lenses!!! It was my very first time buying circle lenses online by myself! I was a little worried, but all went nicely! They send me a free trasparent lens case too !! shitty quality photo yeeeah now some pics of me wearing these huge and vibrant lenses, i tri...